Hiveswap extended zodiac quiz getting mind
Hiveswap extended zodiac quiz getting mind

hiveswap extended zodiac quiz getting mind

Since in the main Homestuck narrative we only ever get one solid example of each blood type, it tends to be left as a point of speculation how representative that one character is of the rest of their class." Homestuck: Book 4: Act 5 Act 1, p.120. Her later-revealed vampiric qualities also seem to be unusual for her class, although I don't think it's ever really confirmed how unusual or common that trait is among jades. Even so, Kanaya seems to be more notable than the average member of her class (which, admittedly, is true for most of these characters), in that she was chosen by a virgin mother grub. It's a class that has more to with breeding administration than other types of grunt work, for which much bigger populations would be more useful. Considering she gets the "one of the few of your kind" refrain, jade bloods probably have the smallest population of any individual class, aside from fuchsia (which numbers exactly one on the entire planet, as you'll see soon). This also signals that jade bloods are rare relative to populations of other classes. With Kanaya, if you're detecting notes of Twilight, you're not crazy. Most trolls have a dash of cheesy pop culture linked to their profile. "Another (Jade-like) pattern-breaking feature of Kanaya's character is that she's diurnal and thrives in the sun. Wanshi Adyata suggests that members of the jade caste consider becoming a rainbow drinker to be sacrilegious. Lynera Skalbi mentions the role of "midwife", supposedly an adult who assists the Mother grub in births Daraya Jonjet believes that they're just a myth, though Lynera suggests they only remain unseen due to being "cloistered". Jade bloods working in the caverns are sometimes called “ Auxiliatrices ”. ” Jade bloods can also be selected and raised by a virgin mother grub however these cases are “ so rare as to elude documented precedent.

hiveswap extended zodiac quiz getting mind

Jade bloods are “ assigned strictly to serving the mother grub in the caverns ”, “ hatching the young and proliferating the 8rood ”, and during at least the Dolorosa's time were “ forbidden from visiting the surface. Most jade bloods seem to have a hook on one or both of their horns, as well as prominent vampire-like canine fangs protrude over their lower lips. Kanaya is one of the few of her kind who can withstand the blistering Alternian sun, and becoming a rainbow drinker is said to be a trait confined to her caste. ” Jade bloods are “ almost exclusively female ” and are described as a rare class, with Andrew Hussie suggesting that jade bloods “ probably have the smallest population of any individual class, aside from fuchsia. The lifespan of a jade blood is somewhere higher than a century, with Kanaya's ancestor evidently having lived “ quite a long time. Jade blood is a blue-green color similar to that of the mineral jadeite, commonly known as jade. Row 2: Virga, Viro, Vircen, Virmini, Virun, Viries, Virsces, Virrius, Viriborn, Virittarius, Virpia, and Virza. Row 1: Virgo, Virlo, Vircer, Virmino, Virus, Virist, Virsci, Virnius, Viricorn, Virittanius, Virpio, and Virra. The jade blood caste is one of the twelve troll blood castes, higher than olive and succeeded by teal. It takes a lot to make a Jade Sign snap, but if they do, take cover.” - The Extended Zodiac If all of this makes Jade Signs sound soft and nurturing, they are, but keep in mind that they can also be fiercely destructive if those they care about are threatened. In relationships, they can be slow to open up, and need someone willing to be patient enough to go at their pace.

hiveswap extended zodiac quiz getting mind

Naturally loyal and loving, they make wonderful doctors, parents, and caretakers, whether they are taking care of people, pets, or plants. Since they are shy with strangers and slow to open up, Jade Signs can often come off as timid or doormats, when really they just prefer to come at conflicts in a less combative way. They are fussy and particular, which can cause friction with those around them, although a Jade Sign holds no one to as high a standard as they hold themselves. If you hire on a Jade Sign, be prepared for an excellent product, but also no peace until that project is flawless. They are detail-oriented, and can tend toward perfectionism, never satisfied with their endeavors. Intelligent and steady, they are excellent organizers and planners. The title of this article is a combination of two terms which have not been used together canonically, but is based on their use in the comic.

Hiveswap extended zodiac quiz getting mind